Exhibition of the Class of 2024 

From June 3 until July 6, the thesis exhibition of the class of 2024 of the Pallas University of Applied Sciences is open in the Pallas Gallery (Riia 11, Tartu).  

The large-scale exhibition across the three floors of the gallery summarizes the previous four academic years of the 2024 graduates and represents Pallas’ three focus areas (design, conservation/restoration and arts) in seven curricula: photography, painting and restoration, media and advertisement design, furniture design and restoration, leather design and restoration, sculpture, and textile.  

The works represent various themes from the students’ personal introspection and development of the creative journey during studies to reflecting socially important topics through the prism of art and practical design solutions. There are altogether 61 graduates’ thesis works exhibited at the gallery. 

The class of 2024: Birgit Kaleva, Kirke Kuiv, Karmel Kull, Britta Mai Martin, Olev Mihkelmaa, Kristel Ida Pärsik, Sille Riin Rand, Jürgen Vainola, Erika Aasa, Mariana, Lisette Lee Hirv, Hanna Kuusvere, Caroliina Luhamets, Ingrid Ojala, Polina Richter, Ingmar Roomets, Diana Schmidt, Geterly Sepp, Gertu Soosaar, Aleksandra Vlasova, Alicia Jemets, Markus Kliss, Stiina-Liis Koddanipork, Helena Kont, Marie Emili Kristov, Keitlyn Kruus, Helen, Cornelia Kuklane, Erika Lille, Ellu-Marie Meos, Mariia Metusalo, Romy Nõulik, Anna-Liisa Sääsk, Eva Voog, Helen Marie Välja, Gert Christjanson, Iris Eller, Assar Jõgar, Carola Kanarbik, Marlen Käige, Meeli-Heli Lepna, Siim Maasing, Teiloora Ojaste, Rauno Pahapill, Rebecca Raak, Kätlin Umal, Birgit Peerna, Grete Prost-Kängsepp, Anzela Sirel, Helen-Mary Vartšun, Moolen Veering, Helli Aas, Aleksandra Ivask, Joonas Kirsipuu, Helene Lüüsi, Andreas Tukmann, Liisa Hanvere, Ülle Järv, Eliise Järve, Kirke Kirikall, Karl Olaf Kolla, Caroliina Ladva, Grete Maruste. 

The thesis exhibition is designed by Madis Liplap, the chief artist of Pallas University of Applied Sciences.  

The exhibition is open from June 3 until July 6, 2024.  

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.